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Comic 335

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I've had trouble updating the comic for fridays the past few weeks, because I now do an evening class on thursday, which cuts into my time and leaves me quite tired. Logically I would get the comic done on wednesday but, pshh, like what strange bizarro me would do a thing like that amirite?

And now the problem is exacerbated by the development of a head cold, so I am afraid I am once again delving into the high-pressured depths of prose. I hope it is as successful as before.

Exalted game, characters, setting and concepts are property of White Wolf Publishing,
and the artist makes no claim to them. Keychain of Creation-exclusive characters and artwork,
on the other hand, are property of Padraig O Ruanai except where otherwise noted.
So don’t be stealin’ me stuff, yarr. Contact possible at [email protected]