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Comic 84

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Ta-da! Ok, so new clothes for Misho isn't that much of a change. But don't think that's going to be all. Oh, and in case you're wondering about the goblins: their altered coloration is supposed to be indicative of their nature. Less defined, you see. Oh and if you're not an Exalted player, just note that goblins in Creation (well, out) are a bit different from in other settings.

And you can all take note that we have a nice new piece of fanart in the Fanart section. Go have a look.

Exalted game, characters, setting and concepts are property of White Wolf Publishing,
and the artist makes no claim to them. Keychain of Creation-exclusive characters and artwork,
on the other hand, are property of Padraig O Ruanai except where otherwise noted.
So don’t be stealin’ me stuff, yarr. Contact possible at [email protected]