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Comic 191

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Many, many thanks to Seras for providing the sketches used to construct Luna's appearance in this page. Hope I didn't alter 'em too much for you! She has a gallery that you can visit through this link.

Non-Exalted players may be a wee bit confused. So behold! One of the faces of Luna, the God/dess of the Moon, Creation's chief trickster-type deity. In particular, the incarnation you see here is the Two-Faced Bride, who may appear as either gender but is always heavily pregnant in either. Now that's what I call mythology!

Exalted game, characters, setting and concepts are property of White Wolf Publishing,
and the artist makes no claim to them. Keychain of Creation-exclusive characters and artwork,
on the other hand, are property of Padraig O Ruanai except where otherwise noted.
So don’t be stealin’ me stuff, yarr. Contact possible at [email protected]