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Comic 352

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Jukashi engages the rare and dangerous Triple Apology Gambit!

So, I have three things to talk my way out of. One skipped update, one delayed update, and one shorter than normal comic. Let's start with the first, which I was at least able to give some forewarning for to people on the forums.

Last week, I got a new computer. I used a less than optimum connection to hook it up to my old computer, and started transferring everything over. The way in which this was done did not allow the transfer to be safely stopped, or so it seemed to me, and it dragged on so long that I was unable to make a comic in time for the update. In fact, the whole thing went on beyond even that; such that when I was, eventually, able to sit down and get everything up and running, I found that getting the missing age done before the next would have had it only up for a day, and I would still have to do another the next evening. I decided, after a little investigation of what people felt about it, that I would just let that update slip entirely.

So it was on to the next comic, one which I agonized over for a while. I had a skipped update looming behind me, but no matter how I tried to slice it, I couldn't fit events neatly into a well-sized comic. So, not wanting to be delayed again and not being hopeful of fixing it anyway, I went for a two-thirds comic.

And lo and behold, when I went to connect so that I could upload everything, the whole patternspider server was down. And remained down, well into Friday.

So� I've failed pretty hard this week! I'm sorry.

Exalted game, characters, setting and concepts are property of White Wolf Publishing,
and the artist makes no claim to them. Keychain of Creation-exclusive characters and artwork,
on the other hand, are property of Padraig O Ruanai except where otherwise noted.
So don’t be stealin’ me stuff, yarr. Contact possible at [email protected]