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Comic 379

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Well, well, well.

My latest attempt to cure the comic doldrums. It's not that actually drawing the comic makes things take less time, but just as when I made the same shift in Lunar Quest, it is certainly more fun and more satisfying - and as everyone knows, fun jobs go faster.

My arm does hurt a bit now, but it is a good pain, and I will adapt.

Even if this doesn't help things go quicker - in which case I may look into changing to the two-thirds comic as the standard format - it does offer me a great personal bonus in that now my drawing skills will improve. I make no claim to be a good artist, so please bear with the various inconsistencies and errors I'm sure to make, but I should become better. However, people tell me they don't read the comic for the art anyway, so no loss, right?

Exalted game, characters, setting and concepts are property of White Wolf Publishing,
and the artist makes no claim to them. Keychain of Creation-exclusive characters and artwork,
on the other hand, are property of Padraig O Ruanai except where otherwise noted.
So don’t be stealin’ me stuff, yarr. Contact possible at [email protected]